Updates On This Week

This Week in Math: 
This week in math we have continued with triangle math and then started to practice another strategy called number lines! Number lines help us add tricky numbers and its a good way to keep track of whether we are counting properly.

Ask me how I can use a number line to solve these problems:




This Week in Writing: 
This week in writing we have started to learn how to create a paragraph. Today, we went into detail of how to write one using the hamburger model.

Today we worked with a partner to create a paragraph. Next week we will be working on creating a new paragraph about our insect.

Here are some of the transition words we used in our writing.

See if I can create a paragraph of my own with you!

This week in Art: 
These past few weeks we have been working with our artist in residence, she was amazing and taught us a lot! We made insects that live in the prairies in Alberta, and learned how to add texture and detail to our work. Can't wait until you can see all of what we did at conferences!

Also, we have created some art based on what we have been learning about Alberta in the past and what that used to look like.
These are just a few examples of what our art looked like, we cant wait for you to see the rest!

Forms for ATP will be going home this coming Monday, please make sure that they are signed and given back asap. 


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Updates this week

Big thank you and Updates on this week